Buy Kalashnikov usa firearms online: Kalashnikov ak47 rifles for sale

Kalashnikov USA Firearms is one of the most famous gun brands existing today. Assault rifles like the AK-47 were used by the Russians since 1949. Kalashnikovs have a reputation for reliable performance under the most adverse of conditions. Shooters Sports Center is a select distributor for Kalashnikov USA Firearms products in the US. Check out our selection of Kalashnikov USA Firearms and other shooting products. We know you’ll find the Kalashnikov firearm you’ve been looking for.


Our Kalashnikov ak47 Rifles For Sale

  The famous AK 47 was developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov and was accepted for Russian Military service in 1947. AK represents Avtomat Kalashnikova, they were first produced by the Izhevsk Arms Factory. The AK47 Assault Rifle was designed to be simple, reliable, and easy to manufacture. The AK operating system is gas operated with a rotating bolt, known for loose tolerances that perform well in dirty and harsh conditions. The AK Rifle has matured into several different models including the AKM and AK 74 Rifle just to mention a few. Fielded in over 100 countries and adopted by 55 different nations. The legendary reliability of the AK 47 design and system has made it a favorite of US recreational shooters and collectors for many years. Atlantic Firearms offers the widest selection of AK 47 for sale and also feature AK Pistols,  AK Shotguns and other Kalashnikov AK47.  We offer top Quality Semi auto Sporting Kalashnikovs to meet your AK47 price and needs. They look so real, it’s almost scary. AK-47 assault rifle-maker Kalashnikov, the notorious favorite of rebels and warlords alike, is going mainstream with a boutique at the terminal connected to Moscow’s main airport, Sheremetyevo. The boutique sells high-end replicas that cost almost as much as the real thing—alongside survival gear, tote bags, and “I ♥ AK”